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XCS Systems Web site Version History

Version Date Author Notes
1 2000 Peter John
2 2001 - 2004.06.28 Peter John Improved site using frames and javascript
3 2004.11.02 Peter John Improved navigation / New logo / Map and driving directions
4 - 4.8 2005.08.24 Peter John Improved buttons / Added References section / Moved to new server
4.9 2006.07.11 Peter John Added Skype buttons to Contacts page / News updated
5 - 5.09 2007.02.22 Peter John Added photos and Google search to welcome page
5.10 2007.07.20 Peter John
5.11 2007.07.29 Peter John
5.12 2007.08.14 Peter John
6 - 6.01 2007.08.19 Peter John
6.02 2007.08.20 Peter John
6.03 2007.08.21 Peter John
6.04 2007.08.22 Peter John
6.05 2007.10.26 Peter John News updated
7.00 2007.10.29 Peter John Site rewritten in XHTML 1.0
7.01 2007.11.05 Peter John
7.02 2007.11.06 Peter John
7.03 2007.11.15 Peter John Welcome screen photos improved
7.04 2008.01.14 Peter John News updated
7.05 2008.01.27 Peter John
7.06 2008.02.21 Peter John
7.08 2008.06.02 Peter John News updated / New page to redirect from old server added
7.09 2008.12.18 Peter John Welcome page changed / News updated
7.10 2009.01.02 Peter John News updated
7.11 2009.01.31 Peter John
7.12 2009.02.21 Peter John
7.13 2009.03.24 Peter John
7.14 2009.04.11 Peter John Moved to new server / Start page added / News updated
7.15 2009.04.28 Peter John
7.16 2009.05.26 Peter John News updated
7.17 2009.05.27 Peter John
7.18 2009.05.28 Peter John
7.19 2009.06.06 Peter John News updated
7.20 2009.07.06 Peter John News updated
8.00 2009.07.08 Peter John
8.01 2009.08.07 Peter John
8.02 2009.08.24 Peter John
8.03 2009.10.05 Peter John
8.04 2009.12.15 Peter John News updated
8.05 2010.01.01 Peter John News updated
8.06 2010.01.06 Peter John
8.07 2010.03.02 Peter John
8.08 2010.04.01 Peter John
9.00 2010.05.26 Peter John Update News and Welcome screen for XCS tenth anniversary (May 31st 2010)
9.01 2010.06.08 Peter John
9.02 2010.06.20 Peter John
9.03 2010.11.09 Peter John Added bing search, and removed photo, from Welcome page / Updated News
9.04 2010.11.19 Peter John Updated Navigation frame / Updated News
9.05 2011.01.07 Peter John Updated News
9.06 2011.03.29 Peter John
9.07 2011.04.17 Peter John
9.08 2011.06.22 Peter John Updated News
9.09 2011.08.18 Peter John Updated News
9.09c 2011.11.27 Peter John Updated News
9.09d 2012.02.02 Peter John Updated News / Added Yahoo! search to Welcome page
10.00 2012.02.13 Peter John Added this page / Added refresh button to Start Page / Simplified Support page / Improved Links page / Removed Apps page
10.01 2012.02.16 Peter John Updated and improved Support page / Added site map
10.02 2012.02.17 Peter John Updated About, Scope of Work and Customer pages
10.03 2012.05.24 Peter John Updated News page
10.04 2012.09.13 Peter John Updated News page
10.05 2012.11.28 Peter John Minor visual improvements
10.06 2013.02.11 Peter John Updated News page. General refresh for entire site
10.07 2013.03.15 Peter John
10.08 2013.08.17 Peter John Updated news page
10.09 2013.12.06 Peter John Updated "Welcome", "My Macs" and "Support" pages and other minor updates
11.00 2014.01.01 Peter John Rewritten to use CSS instead of frames. Cosmetic changes and general update
11.01 2014.01.15 Peter John Minor tweaks after the new site went live.
11.02 2014.02.05 Peter John Minor tweaks and testing on new browsers
11.03 2014.04.02 Peter John Updated "News" page, and testing on newly released browsers
11.04 2014.04.30 Peter John Testing on newly released browsers
11.05 2014.05.07 Peter John Updated and tested for new server hosting the xcssystems.co.uk domain
11.06 2014.05.19 Peter John Testing on new OS release
11.07 2014.05.27 Peter John Updated "News" page
11.08 2014.07.22 Peter John Minor updates
11.09 2014.07.26 Peter John Updates for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) / Default search engine changed to DuckDuckGo.
11.10 2014.08.28 Peter John Changes to CSS for a flatter look.
11.11 2014.10.31 Peter John Updates for new operating systems and web browsers
11.12 2014.12.27 Peter John
11.13 2015.01.14 Peter John Updated for the New Year / Contact details changed to improve spambot protection
11.14 2015.01.27 Peter John Updated "News" page
11.15 2015.01.30 Peter John Changed encoding to UTF-8 for improved standards compliance / Testing with latest OS and browser updates
11.16 2015.05.31 Peter John Updated "News" page
11.17 2015.08.06 Peter John Minor refresh of all pages. Modified news section, with 2000 to 2009 archived
12.00 2015.10.19 Peter John New navigation button design
12.01 2016.01.31 Peter John News updated
12.02 2016.03.04 Peter John Minor corrections to index page and start page
12.03 2016.06.02 Peter John Updated News and Support pages (added Min browser, moved ie to Others section)
12.04 2016.08.14 Peter John Updated Support page for latest browser and OS updates
12.05 2016.11.30 Peter John Updated Support page for latest browsers and macOS Sierra update
12.06 2017.01.01 Peter John Updated for 2017, added cookie notice, updated news and contact information
12.07 2017.01.30 Peter John Fixed news link on "My Macs" page. Updated "Support" page.
12.08 2017.03.08 Peter John Updated for recent OS and browser updates. New links added for Allen-Bradley and Danfoss.
12.09 2017.05.06 Peter John Updated for recent OS and browser updates.
12.10 2017.05.16 Peter John Updated for recent OS and browser updates.
12.11 2017.05.29 Peter John Updated for browser updates. Fixed broken link to the news page on home page.
13.00 2017.06.13 Peter John New dark look for selected navigation buttons. Updated "Customers", "Links" and "News" pages. "Map" page now features a QR code for our location on Google maps.
13.01 2017.06.24 Peter John Firefox 54.0, 52.2.0 ESR, TenFourFox 45.9.0, and Vivaldi 1.10 release testing. Updated "Contact" page and refined "Map" page.
13.02 2017.07.01 Peter John Tested with macOS High Sierra 10.13 beta (Safari 11.0), Firefox 54.0.1 and 52.2.1 ESR.
14.00 2017.11.01 Peter John New logo. Updated to a darker theme. Tested with updated browsers, and added the Brave browser.
14.01 2017.11.04 Peter John Small adjustments to the new theme
14.02 2017.12.03 Peter John Tested with the some of the latest browsers. Developed on a newer version of Coda.
14.03 2018.10.29 Peter John Updated after a long delay. Tested with the some of the latest browsers. Developed on a newer version of Coda.
14.04 2019.01.02 Peter John Updated for 2019.
14.05 2019.03.01 Peter John Updated "News" page.
14.06 2019.06.05 Peter John Updated "News" page for 19th birthday.
14.07 2019.06.17 Peter John Updated "News" pages in readiness for 2020. Removed redundant graphics. Updated contact information.
14.08 2019.07.01 Peter John Fix error on "Support" page.
14.09 2020.01.01 Peter John New year updates
14.10 2020.04.02 Peter John COVID-19 update
14.11 2020.05.10 Peter John
14.12 2021.01.03 Peter John New year updates
14.13 2021.12.24 Peter John Remove e-shop
14.14 2024.04.18 Peter John Added What3Words address to map
14.15 2024.05.16 Peter John Changed Registered Office address to the same as the trading address
14.16 2024.06.10 Peter John Updated "News" page

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